W12 The Perfect Storm: Devices for Creating Suspense in Literary Memoir and Fiction
Wednesday, February 12
3:30–5:00 p.m.


WRITING WORKSHOP | Susan Sutliff Brown | Craft of Writing

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Literary fiction and memoir have always had less commercial success compared with commercial genre fiction, such as mysteries and romances. Because literary narrative doesn’t sell, many serious writers (including winners of the National Book Award) are unable to attract publishers for their new projects.

One way of making serious literature commercially viable is to take a page from mega-blockbusters and create enough suspense at the opening of a project to keep a reader up all night. Joyce scholar Susan Brown, also a student of trash lit, will show us effective devices for turning a serious literary project into a page-turner without sacrificing quality.

About Susan Sutliff Brown

To her sold-out workshops, Susan Sutliff Brown brings decades of experience as a professional writing coach, private editor, book doctor, and collaborator for critically acclaimed fiction and memoir. She has a long career of welcoming beginning and unpublished writers as well as prize-winning authors to work with her in developing memoir or fiction projects from concept to manuscript. And she has for 35 years taught college creative writing and literature courses. As a publishing James Joyce scholar with a doctorate in modern literature, Brown introduces her clients to the secrets of the world’s greatest authors. Also, as a lover of trash lit, Brown encourages writers to aim for a literary blockbuster, a canonized work of literature that sells over 28 million copies, something that hasn’t been done in 70 years. In her workshops, she shares ways to merge the methods of the masters with the secrets of bestselling commercial writers without sacrificing quality.
