San Miguel Literary Sala

Founded in 2005, The San Miguel Literary Sala is the official nonprofit organization that produces the annual San Miguel Writers’ Conference & Literary Festival, along with many other literary programs. 

Currently, in addition to the Writers’ Conference, the Literary Sala is operating the following programs:

Bookstore showcasing members’ books

Located in the Biblioteca at Insurgentes #25, The Literary Sala bookstore features books by Literary Sala Members. It was founded in 2006 to offer local authors a place to showcase and sell their books.

Website page featuring books by our members

To see the many books published by local San Miguel writers who are members of the Literary Sala, click HERE.

The Poetry and Prose Café

Monthly gatherings feature local and visiting poets and writers reading from their works. September through April.

Podcast: Gremio de San Miguel El Podcast con Armida Zepeda 

Bienvenidos a la nueva serie Gremio de San Miguel El Podcast de la Sala Literaria San Miguel/San Miguel Literary Sala. Somos un gremio de creadores y artistas con intereses en común: arte, música, libros, autores, propuestas y alternativas culturales. para escuchar podcasts anteriores, haga clic AQUÍ.

Anthology: Solamente en San Miguel

Over the years, the Sala has published three volumes of an anthology including fiction, essay, memoir, and poetry about life in San Miguel. Learn more about this amazing collection.

Weekly Spanish-Language Literary Radio Program

Every week, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on Radio San Miguel (1280 AM), our program, “Sancho Panza de Cabeza” presents a literary theme or author, with readings, discussion, and call-ins. Since 2007.

Literary Sala Members are entitled to sell their books in the Tesoros Bookstore and the Writers’ Conference Bookstore; to promote a free literary event such as a book launch using the Sala network; and to showcase their books on the Literary Sala website. To become a member, click HERE. You don’t need to be a writer to join; we welcome readers!

Over the past twenty years, the San Miguel Literary Sala created and operated a wealth of literary activities in San Miguel.

Monthly Author Readings

From 2006 until the pandemic in 2020, the Sala held a monthly event that showcased two published authors, some local, some visiting. Each had about 50 minutes to give a presentation about his or her book, career, philosophy, or writing life. These popular events drew from 75 to 125 people each month, and were always followed by a wine reception.

Works in Progress

An event so popular that it eventually expanded into two evenings, the event gave burgeoning writers a change to present their works in progress to eager audiences.

Literary Room in Bellas Artes

The Director of Bellas Artes gave us a room in their historic building. Decorator Marty Kimmel donated her services to tun it into a beautiful and functional room. When it opened, the room was inaugurated at a ceremony attended by the mayor. Program Director Armida Zepeda held after-school programs for teens, a variety of seminars, reading groups for Spanish language learners, and children’s programs. All week, a steady stream of both Mexicans and foreigners made use of the room. The Sala held meetings at the clever, modular table designed by Marty; receptions; poetry readings, and more. The “Sala” had a real sala!

The Federal government, which operates the building, abruptly and arbitrarily asked us to leave in 2018, after eight successful years.

“My First Book”

The Sala paid a teacher to work with toddlers, reading to them and showing them picture books as part of the Ojala Niños project in the impoverished Otomi community of San Miguel Viejo. 

Over the years, to showcase one writer or a special book or an historic era, The Literary Sala produced a number of extraordinary Special Events.

Tom Robbins

In 2008, Tom Robbins and his remarkable editor Ala Rinzler entertained us for an entire weekend after we all read his novel, Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates. The weekend included two presentations by him, a workshop for writers, plus a brunch at the Chapel of Jimmy Ray in the country during which players surprised Tom Robbins by reenacting a scene from his book. That is when Tom Robbins told us, “If Dante had had the San Miguel experience, he would have written more about heaven and less about hell.”

Celebration of the Beats

That same year in December, we presented an “Homage to the Beat Writers,” when Neal Cassady’s son, John, along with George Walker, who had been a member of Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters, were featured on a panel and special dinner. While John was here, we took him to the home on Beneficencia, where Neal lived briefly while he was in San Miguel, and also to the rail road tracks where Neal Cassady died in 1968 at age 41. The whole experience was very moving for John.

In the Shadow of the Angel – August 2010

The full weekend included panels, presentations by book groups that had read the book, keynotes, dinners and a trip to Mexico City to visit important sites in the book.

Guadalupe Rivera Marin

Diego Rivera’s daughter, who was a politician and a writer, gave a stirring presentation about her life with her famous father. That event included a lavish dinner on the rooftop terrace in the shadow of the Parroquia consisting of recipes from Frida Kahlo’s kitchen.

Rebellious Nuns – The History of the Bellas Artes Convent

A full weekend about the history of the Convent that is now the Bellas Artes building included two lectures, a full play reenacting some of the scenes from the history, and a walking tour of town including important sites and events from the story. The book, Rebellious Nuns, was summarized into a short booklet, available on our website. It is a fascinating read about the early history of San Miguel and the Canal family. Available HERE.

Plays by Jamie Brickhouse

Jamie Brickhouse’s two autobiographical one-man theater productions were presented at the Dos Buhos Winery for two most entertaining evenings.

Calvin Trillin and Sam Donaldson

Two separate events featured these two writers, both extremely entertaining.