Everyone loves a good mystery or suspense novel. Whether it’s to match wits with the sleuth or revel in triumphing over evil and chaos, there is something for everyone on the crime shelf. But how exactly do you create suspense in your story? How do you take characters on a wild ride that leaves them, and the reader, gasping for air?
In this workshop, award-winning author Howard Shrier shares the secrets that led to his unprecedented back-to-back wins of Canada’s highest crime-fiction prize: for best first novel (Buffalo Jump, 2008) and best novel (High Chicago, 2009). Hailed as a “rising star in crime fiction” (January Magazine) and “one of Canada’s top thriller writers” (NOW Magazine), Shrier will help us plot our novel, overcoming any obstacles that get in the way of finishing it. He’ll draw on his vast experience as a crime reporter, actor, and novelist to show us how to build drama and suspense through a tried-and-true three-act structure. We’ll leave no stone unturned and emerge with a solid plan to see our crime story through to the gnarly end.