I22 Embracing Uncertainty: A Generative Workshop of Discovery and Surprise
Saturday, February 15
2:00–5:00 p.m.


WRITING WORKSHOP | Amy Gottlieb | Craft of Writing | Handout available (log in using MY ACCOUNT on the menu)

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John Keats coined the term negative capability to describe the experience of “being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.” This describes an essential aspect of good literature, so how do we embrace uncertainties, mysteries, and doubts in the writing process?

When we delve into what we don’t know about a character, situation, or setting, we may find ourselves adrift as we lose control of the story we set out to tell. Yet exploring the unknown reveals connections and resonances that can deepen our work.

In this generative workshop for writers of any genre or experience level, we’ll consider the role of mystery in the writing process and follow prompts that invite us to write from a place of uncertainty. Along the way, we’ll learn to trust this essential aspect of the creative process.

About Amy Gottlieb

Amy Gottlieb’s debut novel, The Beautiful Possible, was a finalist for the Ribalow Prize, Wallant Award, and National Jewish Book Award. Her fiction and poetry have been published in On Being, Lilith, Ilanot Review, Paper Brigade, and Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry, among others. She has given presentations on fiction writing at the Canberra Writers Festival, Sydney Jewish Writers Festival, AWP, New York Public Library, and elsewhere. She lives in New York City, where she teaches fiction workshops and works with individual writers on book projects.