I21 Five Paths to Publishing: What Authors Need to Know
Saturday, February 15
2:00–5:00 p.m.


WRITING WORKSHOP | Judith Gille | Publishing & Marketing

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In this workshop we will discuss the five main paths to getting your manuscript published including the pros and cons of each. We will cover all aspects of book development, from knowing your audience to writing, editing, selling, and promoting your book.

We will cover marketing — all the ways to get your book our into the world. This includes which social media platforms are right for you and how to use that platform to the best effect. In addition, we’ll discuss book launches, contests and other options for reaching new readers. We’ll cover what is currently working for well-known authors and how they do it.

If time permits, we will briefly discuss where each workshop participant is at with their book project and discuss possible directions and next steps.

About Judith Gille

Judith Gille’s work has appeared in major newspapers, magazines, online literary journals and anthologies. Her memoir, The View from Casa Chepitos: A Journey Beyond the Border, won Writer’s Digest’s Grand Prize in 2013. Her second book, Todavía México: Life Beyond the Border, was released in February 2020 just as Covid broke out. For years Gille taught workshops on Publishing and Marketing at the San Miguel Writer’s Conference and is the English-language editor of the sala’s Solamente en San Miguel III and 15She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Bennington College and divides her time between San Miguel de Allende, Mexico and the Pacific Northwest.