Individual Consultation with Karen Tiber Leland




In this one-hour working session, I will conduct an expert, on-the-spot evaluation of your current platform, covering online presence (i.e. social media and website), offline activities (i.e. PR, and public speaking) and AI readiness as it pertains to search. By the end of the consultation, you’ll know exactly which of the four stages of brand building you’re in, what the most crucial next steps are, and you’ll leave with a basic brand marketing plan tailored to your unique needs.

Additional information


Thursday, February 13, Friday, February 14, Saturday, February 15

Consultation Time

3:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m.

Karen Tiber Leland

Karen Tiber Leland is the president of Sterling Marketing Group, a branding and marketing strategy firm helping CEOs and C-suite executives build their personal, team, and business brands. Her clients include LinkedIn, Google, Apple, and Oracle.  Karen has presented to many audiences, including Harvard, Yale, TEDx, YPO, American Management Association, and American Marketing Association.  Karen is the best-selling author of twelve books, which have sold over 450,000 copies. She has been featured in the media, including MSNBC, Fox Business News, Fortune, Inc., The New York Times, Newsweek, and Time.