We’ve all been there, even the most prolific of us. Some days the writing flows effortlessly. Other days … well, you know.
Fortunately there are exercises, prompts, and techniques we can use to inspire great writing. In this workshop, we’ll learn techniques to get the editor off our shoulders, as we dive right into our initial draft. We’ll learn the “freefall” technique, popularized by the late Canadian writer W.O. Mitchell, and why we should leave ourselves wide open to our subconscious during early drafts. We’ll learn how to trust ourselves. To engage our brains and our hearts. To draw on daily rituals. And how to inspire ourselves when our muses take a hike.
According to psychologists, writer’s block or even just regular roadblocks to creativity stem from the very human fear of not measuring up. This can happen at any stage of our writing career. We will explore this very common phenomenon and how to overcome it. We will also address how to tap into our artistry even when the well seems dry.
After a combination of exercises designed to spark creativity, evocative prompts, and guided creative risk-taking, we will leave the workshop refreshed and with ideas for future work.