W51 The Eight-Point Plan: What Writers Need to Know to Plot with Confidence
Friday, February 14
10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.


WRITING WORKSHOP | April Bosshard | Fiction | Handout available (log in using MY ACCOUNT on the menu)

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Do you resist plotting? Does the process seem mysterious or intimidating? For many writers, the very thought of it can bring up so much resistance that they’d rather do anything else. But when we learn to break through that resistance, plotting can be the most creative part of the story-making process. This workshop will help us make that breakthrough.

With the understanding that plots must meet the criteria of being causal, coherent, and credible, this hands-on workshop examines the story elements writers need to have in place before planning a plot.

After investigating what plot is—and isn’t—we’ll share eight key elements that provide the raw materials for any story’s plot. We’ll go over each element, with examples, and we’ll complete some exercises to help identify the elements in our own stories. With a customizable basic plot outline, a checklist, and questions sheet provided by the instructor, we can move forward with clarity and confidence—and have some fun.

Through these brief lessons and fun exercises, we’ll learn essential techniques that will allow plots to naturally, and almost magically, take shape. After this workshop, not only will we be able to address plot problems in our work in progress, but we’ll also have an invaluable tool for testing out the potential success of future stories.

About April Bosshard

April Bosshard, story coach, has been referred to as a “story whisperer” and a “story genie” because of her keen awareness of story principles and deep understanding of the writer’s craft. She has helped hundreds of writers deal with the complex issues of story-creating and sticking to the writing process. Bosshard has worked on feature films, documentaries, and television shows. She has written novels, short stories, poems, and nonfiction essays for traditional and independent markets, including publications in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. She has contributed to four traditionally published books on journaling and creativity coaching, including The Great Book of Journaling and How Journal Writing Can Support a Life of Wellness, Creativity, Meaning, and Purpose (Mango/Conari, 2022). She has also written indie-published fiction under pen names in young adult, new adult, racy romance, and cozy mystery genres. Bosshard is a skilled facilitator who has led workshops in Canada, the United States, France, and Mexico. Through her coaching services business, Deep Story Design, she develops and maintains online courses and programs while working with individual clients as both a story coach and developmental editor.