W24 Ready, Set, Publish: Getting Your Writing (and Author Platform) Ready for Success
Thursday, February 13
9:00–10:30 a.m.


WRITING WORKSHOP | Courtney Maum | Publishing & Marketing | No Handout Needed

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In the hectic publishing marketplace where writers are expected to wear many hats, it’s important that we know our marks and how to hit them with professionalism and grace. From writing game-changing query letters to doing platform in a way that feels authentic (and even joyful) to dealing with feelings of envy in a notably competitive industry, author and book coach Courtney Maum will share the most important things she’s learned from publishing her own books and working with ambitious writers. She’ll walk us through the most important milestones we’ll need to hit to meet our publishing goals.

About Courtney Maum

Courtney Maum is the author of five books, including the groundbreaking publishing guide that Vanity Fair recently named one of the 10 best books for writers, Before and After the Book Deal, and the memoir, The Year of the Horses, chosen by The Today Show as the best read for mental health awareness. A writing coach, executive director of the writing retreat, Turning Points, and educator, Maum says her mission is to help people hold on to the joy of art-making in a culture obsessed with turning artists into brands.