Tag: Mancomunados

  • Los Pueblos Mancomunados by Mittie Roger

    Los Pueblos Mancomunados by Mittie Roger

    I arrived in Benito Juarez by foot. The second class bus dropped me at a fork in a curvy road with nothing in sight. Yet I was not only relieved, I was overjoyed. Nausea from the tightly-enclosed space, sharp turns, and lack of moving oxygen had nauseated me. When the bus driver yelled “Benito Juarez,”…

  • Los Pueblos Mancomunados by Mittie Roger

    I arrived in Benito Juarez by foot. The second class bus dropped me at a fork in a curvy road with nothing in sight. Yet I was not only relieved, I was overjoyed. Nausea from the tightly-enclosed space, sharp turns, and lack of moving oxygen had nauseated me. When the bus driver yelled “Benito Juarez,”…

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